Custom Patriotic Band Album Tattoo Design

Clients Description Request:
Very detailed and hard, love to see if you’re up for this patriotic challenge. This tattoo I would like to base off my services in the military and my favorite band. Kinda combining the two most influential things in my life. I would like this to be a right arm bottom-half sleeve. Wrist to elbow.
Starters, I’d like it to cover 100% skin, with the backdrop/ background being the American flag, waving bottom to top up the arm, starts down by the wrist, and as it flows up the arm, has tears and holes, burn marks in it, stopping at the elbow with it looking like the end of the flag has been torn off and burnt in places.

OK, on top of the flag, I’d like to incorporate starting from the outside of the elbow, leading diagonally down to the inside of the arm/ wrist, I’d like to have the Lamb Of God album art for the album "Ashes of the wake". The skeleton birds flying down holding the bullets in their beaks and the banners with their feet.  Just the birds nothing else from the cover art. 

I’d like everything to be in color, and the birds, pick a color that would kinda make them stick out a little, like a darker shade, or black, u decide, you’re the artist, u know what will look the best.

Client Feedback: This is awesome, excited!