Custom Circular Shoulder Tattoo Design

I chose to include the Goddess Artimis' Bow/moon....she was known as protector of animals

Client’s Description Request:
In between shoulder blade elegant circle tattoo. I want a circle in between my shoulder blades slightly lower than my neck. I want black and white... maybe the tiniest amount of maroon if it could be fit in.
based on the quote " Just trying to be the person that my dog things I am"

Do not want any pictures of dogs or footprints. I don’t know how I want to tie in the quote... maybe as the line of the circle. But I want it abstract kind of… not clear that it is a quote and not as readable as most quotes. Don’t think I want anything behind the circle but the design of the circle doesn’t have to be a PERFECT like it can over hang slightly from the perfect circle.. from a distance I want it to look like just a circle in between my shoulder blades, but when u get closer I know the quote is there and u could see it if u really looked. I want the circle to look unique maybe Victorian.... I’m not sure. About the size of a palm of a small hand