It's Only January 3rd, Do You Already Feel Behind?

Have you noticed that along with the new year comes a flood of social media posts of resolutions and new work.

We are only a couple of days into the new year and already my feeds are full of new drawings, gym "check-ins" and projects started…all by other people.

Do you ever feel like you are behind and everyone else is way ahead of you?

Comparison paralyzes me.

It's sort of subtle at first and I might not even realize I am comparing myself but then I notice that I don't feel good about what I am doing…or I'm critical of myself or my work…or worse yet, I procrastinate, really badly! That is actually my first sign.

Because I have a creative profession, comparison can completely stop me in my tracks and make me wonder why I am even trying when everyone else seems to be better, further along, more successful, more creative or more talented than me.

When I feel like this, I have three things that help me.

First, inspirational quotes can get me back in my own lane and help to remind me that I am enough they way I am.

One of my favorites is…

“…there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.
And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
― Martha Graham

Second, with work, looking at my past projects can help break the cycle of doubt that comparison can create. I find that I can easily forget how far I've come. A lot of times this can also spark new ideas making me forget about the doubt altogether.

Third, getting off of social media for a bit can help me to put the focus on my own creative voice and not what others are doing.

Do you ever feel like this? 
What do you do to stop the critical inner dialogue from killing your creative spirit?

Until next week,


  1. Great reminder Pam! I just took inventory of the art I created last year - feeling much better now. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you too!!! It's amazing how easily we can forget about all of our progress.
